Waynflete announces 2023 Drake Award and 克林根斯坦校友奖 recipients

Waynflete is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Drake Award and the 2023 克林根斯坦校友奖. We will be celebrating these exceptional members of our community during 团聚 Weekend on May 19.


Waynflete is pleased to announce that Elizabeth Barrett P’14, ' 17是2023年德雷克奖的获得者.

In 1976, 爱默生和平·德雷克, 四名bet365官网学生的父母, received a special honor for their service to Waynflete. Emerson had served on the board of trustees for 16 years, the last several as 总统. Ping was active within the Waynflete community, 志愿者ing in many areas of the school. They were recognized by the board with the award that now bears their name. Ping was also made an honorary Waynflete alumna. We honor their example and their memory by presenting the Drake Award each year.

伊丽莎白和她的家人, including children Louis Frumer ’14 and Kelley Frumer ’17, have been part of the Waynflete community since 2007. Elizabeth epitomizes the selfless and generous 志愿者 who keeps independent schools strong and thriving. During her time as a parent, Elizabeth was involved in every level of the 家长协会 (PA). 她担任副总统, 总统, 和member-at-large, 当过几次班级家长, and chaired the Friends of the Library and the 欢迎 Committee. 她和她的丈夫, 约翰, created the PA Diversity Committee and also served on the Senior Gift Campaign Committee during their children’s respective senior years. The two are also members of the Ruth Cook Hyde 1910 Circle, the planned giving society at Waynflete.

Elizabeth 志愿者ed at numerous admission events, accompanying many a division director on their “Discover Waynflete” tours and offering insights to prospective parents. 她总是乐于助人. 更多的 than one facilities staff member commented that she was a “worker,” setting up chairs and tables and never leaving until the event breakdown was complete. Elizabeth has remained a loyal 志愿者 and staunch supporter of Waynflete in the years since her children graduated. She is a founding member of Waynflete’s Parent 入学 Network and continues to serve on that group, one of a handful of parents who have stayed on to provide an invaluable perspective on their children’s education.

The entire Waynflete community expresses its deep appreciation to Elizabeth Barrett for everything she has given to our school.


韦恩弗莱特很高兴地宣布. 苏珊娜·汉考克03年 is the recipient of the 2023 克林根斯坦校友奖.

Waynflete’s board of trustees established the Klingenstein Award in 2019. 这个奖项源于bet365官网的使命, which calls for responsible and caring participation in the world. 通过克林根斯坦奖, we seek to recognize one Waynflete alumnus/alumna per year whose responsible and caring participation in the world—at the local, 国家, or inter国家 level—has had broad and positive ramifications. 该奖项以第一位获奖者的名字命名, 帕特里夏·戴维斯·克林根斯坦47年, in recognition of her work as an education advocate, 热心的社区领袖, 志愿者, 和慈善家.

Susana Hancock is an inter国家ly recognized polar climate scientist and linguist, working at the nexus of science and global risk within the climate crisis to effect change at the global level. She is a delegate to the United Nations’ Conference of the Parties and other climate conferences, an expert reviewer with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and co-chaired an Arctic working group for the UN Inter国家 Oceanographic Commission to launch the Decade of Ocean Science. She now heads up a global team that is researching the socio-geopolitical impacts of the climate crisis in the polar regions. 在日常工作中, Susana leads a worldwide science team that takes action on the polar climate crisis, 尤其是涉及到全球风险的时候, 国际事件和谈判. She has been invited to speak at inter国家 TED events, UN conferences, and other global forums.

作为一名研究者, 苏珊娜为政策文件撰稿, 文章, and book chapters on a variety of subjects related to Arctic climate science and global policy on the urgency of climate action. She serves as 总统 of the Inter国家 Association for Polar Early Career Scientists, 提供指导, 出版, and research opportunities in polar and environmental disciplines. In 2022, Susana was the recipient of Connecticut College’s Harriet Buescher Lawrence ’34 Prize, which recognizes alumni who are leaders in improving society or inspiring others for good.

Susana is a former inter国家ly competitive rower, has played cello with chamber ensembles and orchestras in New England and Scandinavia, 并且精通五种语言. 她兼职住在缅因州, where she is the incoming vice 总统 of Democracy Maine, writes an environment column in the Maine Sunday Telegram, 也是RSU5学校董事会成员. From coaching Waynflete’s rowing team to moderating alumni lunch-and-learn programs to authoring 文章 in our annual magazine, Susana also continues to be a dedicated and essential member of the Waynflete community.

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